Saturday, November 16, 2013

Critical Position

I believe that architecture is more than just a pretty object. Architecture has a moral responsibility to consider all aspects of design that affects both its users and the environment. 
Human shelters addressed people basic needs for centuries Investigating new innovative ways to build housing in earthquake zones prone areas may result in less damage and suffering. In order to have better living conditions, there is a need of developing community that determinedly accommodates innovative and viable design.


  1. I would suggest the use of the term "extensive damages" and "affordable" in some of your descriptions. The issues are well expressed, I feel in most cases it is the lack of direction by local or state governments. Adding to that the inability or knowledge of the states to perform sufficient architectural design hence this type of design work is relevant to the needs of these states nee the world.

  2. Thanks for taking time and giving me feedbacks. I will definitely use your suggestions and try to make it better.
